Thursday, December 17, 2009

Google Science and what gets seen.

Reprinted from Mashable. What is it that the web user really sees, and what is it that gets overlooked? This article delves into some of the science of usability.

We already know that Google is obsessed with their own speed and efficiency, but the search giant is also trying to make everybody else faster on the web as well. Google Site Performance, for example, provides tips from Google on how to speed up your website, while Speed Tracer increases the efficiency of web apps by tracking performance.

The company is once again tackling the realm of website efficiency with a new tool that doesn’t track site speed or app performance, but the size of the browser window. The app, Google Browser Size, aims to help website owners solve one of the most fundamental problems in web design: How should I lay out and design my website for higher engagement and conversions?

Browser Size is very simple: It overlays a transparent image on top of any website, displaying what percentage of users (on average) will see your content without scrolling. Because people use various browser settings, monitor sizes and screen resolutions, it can be tough to know when a key button, like a “Donate” or “Subscribe” button, is visible and easily reachable by your users.

On the top and left are numbers depicting the length and width of the screen, in pixels. In the middle you’ll notice an array of colors and percentages. Based on research the company did during the 20 percent time of several engineers, they were able to extrapolate at what pixel height and width Internet surfers could see the page without scrolling, from 99 percent to essentially 0 percent.

What the company did to gather this data is rather fascinating (you can read more about it on the, but the end result is a deceptively useful tool that will really tell you if you’ve designed your website efficiently or if you need to move key buttons around.

Try Browser Size out on your website, and tell us about the results. Will you be changing anything because of this tool? Let us know in the comments.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Linked In Tips by Kawasaki...

Recently saw this over at the LinkedIn FAQ area... There were a few more pertinent to job search, but these were the best tips for Sales and Web Strategy.

5 Profitable Ways to Use LinkedIn - Guy Kawasaki

How can I use LinkedIn to my advantage?

The following text is a blog article titled 'Profitable Ways to use LinkedIn' by Guy Kawasaki. Numbers have been modified to reflect more current membership.

Most people use LinkedIn to 'get to someone' in order to make a sale, form a partnership, or get a job. It works well for this because it is an online network of more than 40 million experienced professionals from around the world representing 170 industries. However, it is a tool that is under-utilized, so I've compiled a top-ten list of ways to increase the value of LinkedIn.

  1. Increase your visibility.
By adding connections, you increase the likelihood that people will see your profile first when they're searching for someone to hire or do business with. In addition to appearing at the top of search results (which is a major plus if you're one of the 67,000 product managers on LinkedIn), people would much rather work with people who their friends know and trust.

  1. Improve your connectability.
Most new users put only their current company in their profile. By doing so, they severely limit their ability to connect with people. You should fill out your profile like it's an executive bio, so include past companies, education, affiliations, and activities.

You can also include a link to your profile as part of an email signature. The added benefit is that the link enables people to see all your credentials, which would be awkward if not downright strange, as an attachment.

  1. Improve your Google PageRank.
LinkedIn allows you to make your profile information available for search engines to index. Since LinkedIn profiles receive a fairly high PageRank in Google, this is a good way to influence what people see when they search for you. To do this, create a public profile and select 'Full View.' Also, instead of using the default URL, customize your public profile's URL to be your actual name. To strengthen the visibility of this page in search engines, use this link in various places on the web. For example, when you comment in a blog, include a link to your profile in your signature.

  1. Enhance your search engine results.
In addition to your name, you can also promote your blog or website to search engines like Google and Yahoo! Your LinkedIn profile allows you to publicize websites. There are a few pre-selected categories like 'My Website', 'My Company,' etc. If you select 'Other', you can modify the name of the link. If you're linking to your personal blog, include your name or descriptive terms in the link, and voila! instant search-engine optimization for your site. To make this work, be sure your public profile setting is set to 'Full View.'

  1. Perform blind, 'reverse,' and company reference checks.
LinkedIn's reference check tool to input a company name and the years the person worked at the company to search for references. Your search will find the people who worked at the company during the same time period. Since references provided by a candidate will generally be glowing, this is a good way to get more balanced data. Companies will typically check your references before hiring you, but have you ever thought of checking your prospective manager's references? Most interviewees don't have the audacity to ask a potential boss for references, but with LinkedIn you have a way to scope her out.

You can also check up on the company itself by finding the person who used to have the job that you're interviewing for. Do this by searching for job title and company, but be sure to uncheck 'Current titles only.' By contacting people who used to hold the position, you can get the inside scoop on the job, manager and growth potential. By the way, if using LinkedIn in these ways becomes a common practice, we're apt to see more truthful resumes. There's nothing more amusing than to find out that the candidate who claims to have caused some huge success was a total bozo who was just along for the ride.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Facebook Marches On - Now One Out of Every Four Pages Viewed...

Here's something to think about for every business that considers their web strategy a serious part of their marketing. If you don't, you can bounce out now.

What he considers to be a startling conclusion - by Perry Drake of Drake Direct:

Facebook accounts for 25% of U.S. online pageviews.

Perry's analysis was prompted by a study showing that the figure in the U.K. is 1 in 7. He pulled some Compete charts and concluded that the number here is 1 in 4.

Google, meanwhile, accounts for 1 in 12 pageviews (8%). And Facebook is rapidly closing in on Google in terms of visits and uniques.
Facebook's power, in other words, continues to grow.

Mr. Drake Reported:

My research revealed some very interesting facts. First of all let me say, that in the US, Facebook accounts for a significantly higher percent of our total page views than in the UK. In the UK, Facebook accounts for 15% of the total pageviews (or 1 in 7). In the US Facebook accounts for, now get this, 1 in every 4 or 25% of our total pageviews. Unbelievable!

Google on the other hand accounts for only 8% of the total pageviews (or 1 in 12). See the figure below that I generated using data from

Page Views: Google (blue) vs. Facebook (green)

Is this surprising? Not really. Facebook is, by design, much more engaging. So we should expect this fact. User experience and content are kings of usability.

However, when we look at total number of visits to these two sites, we notice that Google does have an edge as the figure below shows. But, surprisingly, that edge is quickly slipping away. Ouch!

Visits: Google (blue) vs. Facebook (green)

Even for the metric "monthly unique visitors," we can see that Google is also losing its edge here as well.

Unique Monthly Visits: Google (blue) vs. Facebook (green)

Do you think Google is a bit concerned?

I would imagine so. Are you concerned yet, you should be --- if, you're not considering Facebook for your business.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More New Media Cincinnati Exposure

I've got this posted on also. This was about 20 minutes of the New Media Cincinnati Open Mic from Rookwood Pub here in August. Daniel Johnson Jr. keeps the cards and letters coming.

Always good to see everyone and share the ideas that will blaze the ongoing trail of Web 2.0.

Talkshoe on Runner's Podcast

I've wanted to do a local Cincinnati show covering the Runner's Community. Hearing this frequently produced "Ning" podcast effort inspires me to want to forge ahead. This was a Talkshoe group podcast. I listened and it sounded pretty good.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is a short on the New Media Cincinnati Meetup from July 11 at Rookwood Pub. Daniel Johnson Jr. is our emcee and chief moderator again. This was about 25 minutes of bouncing around with my little home camera so quality is so-so, but you should get the idea. As always, this is an informative meeting...always enjoy introductions and new people, and these folks have really helped me learn about Social technology and other media tools. Thanks DJ Jr. Ann L., I think I ran out of battery or tape by the time you got apologies.

This month's topic was, "What I learned at PodCamp2."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fibre Glass Evercoat Demo

Here is a one of the seven video projects that I have completed for Fibre Glass Evercoat in the past couple of years featuring their line of newly created foams and adhesives line. This was a eight minute video that is included in the Fast Pass Training series and will be used with dealers across the US.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This is an example of a corporate video piece from my local customer Finn Corporation who manufactures Hydroseeder, Mulch Spreaders, and automated bark mulching equipment. Over the years, I've had the pleasure of producing over 25 different projects for them ranging from marketing, training, trade show features, to historical video scrapbooks.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

PodCamp Ohio - My 2 Cents...

As an exercise to prepare for Saturday's "What I learned at PodCamp Ohio2," I'm putting to pen the most significant bytes of value and information that I stored away from the day.

First and foremost, I'm glad to be a part of the fraternity/community of podcampers and would like to go on record to say that you can't beat the value of these offline Social Media gatherings with anything else out there.

I was a little confused most of the time trying to figure out which seminar to sit through. There was so much good stuff, that I found myself catching 20 minutes of this one, 15 of that one, half hour of the podcasters, etc. Equally cool was that it was on campus of "The Ohio State University," and the facilities were fantastic---and so was the hospitality. I don't know who came up with the Mex Cuisine, but that was equally excellent.

I'd like to comment briefly on the atmosphere which I liken to almost "fellowship," status. I've not met a nicer group of individuals who seem genuinely interested in everyone else's well being. I guess it goes hand in hand with other Web 2.0 stuff that "free" is okay... although Jason Falls has some great thoughts about why "Free" may not be so good in the end.

Alright, here's what I personally chased around @ Podcamp...Podcast Consumer 101 by Michael Dell (, Creative Commons by Michelle Lentz (, Audacity Hands-On by Lumpy Lemke, Enterprise Blogging by Alison Bolen of SAS Institute, Live Podcast w/The Guys, Why your Digital Sucks w/Michael McDermott of BashFoo, Usability & Utility by Carol Smith of Midwest Research, Recording & Editing by Daniel Lewis (The Ramen Noodle) & Barely, Online Video Distribution with Sheila English, Missed in Digital Revolution w/David Esrati of New Wave, and wouldn't have missed Cliff Ravenscraft of Podcast Answer Man- Getting the Right Equipment "The First Time."

That's who I saw, here's what I learned(abbr.) - I now understand Creative Commons(sorta), Audacity is cool, you can be a "Thought Leader," or "Community Builder," Podcasting is "Flipping Fun," Blog 200 words if blogging everyday --- plus, follow and join blogger conversations, Develop websites in iterations, Optimal web videos are around 90 seconds, If you're not Web 2.0-ing, you're a dinosaur, and finally if you want to do podcasting, call Cliff Ravenscraft. There, that's what I learned at Podcamp Ohio.

I heard this week from Debba Hauppert that Podcamp Pittsburgh is coming up in the fall, and that's two days... Double awesome.

Oh yea, thanks to the Blogger's who told me to take the Websitetology seminar from Dave Esrati which I just got back from... You can quote me, "That was a good tip."


Monday, May 11, 2009

Ustream of New Media Cincy - Saturday 9, 2009 - Content Care of NMC - Daniel Johnson Jr.

Here's a ustream of the video conversations we were having at New Media Cincy on Saturday. We thought we were going to talk about creating some video content for the group and we still plan to do that. But this segment was about using the new Web 2.0 tools in the business workplace.

Conversation was with Jim Sutter-President DVP, Podcast/Broadcaster Dylan Combs, Don Sceifers of EditVDO, Jeff Wasserstrom, and Tom Rockhold of Franklin Comp. Services. It was very info oriented as you can see here. We hope to do podcasting, and videocast again in the near future.

Enjoy. and comment if you'd like. If stream is a little flaky, you can go to UStream link to check it out as well. JS

Monday, April 20, 2009

Trouble in Tweetville, Everything you need to now about using Twitter... and more!

"This pretty much explains it." JS

Site Pro News Report --- Every website should have some video content!!!

Condensed from: Michael A Jones in Video Marketing

Why add video to your web site? To make more money! That’s of course assuming your web site is there to promote your products and services. How can adding video to your web site make you more money? Consider these facts about the way the brain works.

Georgi Lozanov in the 1960’s laid the foundation for what the West would later call accelerated learning. Various dominant learning modalities were categorized which included audial, visual, and kinesthetic. Although our brains absorb information from all our senses, it was discovered that every individual has a preferred learning modality. Identify it and you can learn must faster.

It was also discovered through many tests that a majority of people like to learn visually. They like to see things as they absorb information. Some studies even put the figure as high as 65% of the population who absorb and recall information best by seeing.

Now can you see where this fits in when we talk of why you should add video to your web site? Pictures can make a huge difference in the way your message comes across. You can state something but when you show a picture of it, well, the effect is immediate.

Using 24 cameras, an English photographer by the name of Eadweard Muybridge-way back in 1870, photographed a horse in fast motion. The series of photographs settled a debate of the day as to whether all four hooves leave the ground when a horse is running. The resulting ‘movie’ proved conclusively that they do.

This presents an amazing opportunity for the modern day marketer. Add video to your web site and you capitalize on this highly successful modern medium to get your message across. A large number of people think in pictures. So if you have a video presentation highlighting aspects of your products and services, think of how your sales conversion rates can increase.

Also, when you add video to your web site, you keep visitors there longer. Isn’t that another key aim of any webmaster? Using a tool like Google Analytics, you can measure the average time spent on your web site or on your web page. The longer a visitor stays on your site the greater the chance they will take action, either by browsing further on your site, or clicking on the link that will lead to the action you want.

As an experiment, why not add a video to your web site on one page, and then make a copy of that page without the video. Then do a split test and track the visitor behavior over a period of days or weeks. You may be astonished at the results.

Here’s another idea. In addition to adding video to your web site, why not add video to your blog? You may see your sales or signups soar as a result.

So to boil it all down, why add video to your web site? To make money. Why keep spending out trying to get more traffic when you can increase the sales conversion ratio of the traffic you already receive. Make your web site ’sticky’ by adding video so your visitors will not just click away but engage and actually stay a while. The longer they stay the better for you. Moving pictures are worth "More than 1000's of Words."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Learn Twitter in Five... Then what?

How about learning twitter in five minutes. This is like opening up a digital Pandora's box. It's addictive, it's powerful, and it's fairly easy.

Social Media Made Easy!

This is a very good demo on the big picture of social media. It doesn't get caught up in the use of which tools are best, or how to use them. It just enlightens as to the power of these new methods of marketing and on-line community building.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Linked In - At A Glance

This demo is a very brief overview of the interface, sections, and benefits of using Linked In as a professional business tool. This demo will explain components, brief setup, and the use of connections and productivity add-ons in this simple to use, yet powerful little package. For more information click through on the icon or link to see a short clip. If you'd like help in setting up your Linked In account or knowing more about modules, slide share, polls or other, please visit, or call at (513)600-1930.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here is a Slide Share on Medical Industry Use of Twitter

Check this out. Twitter making some waves for the medical industry. Nice story about the future: Twitter will be used for:

- Used by medical students to research, and collaborate with field experts
- Twitter for patient and Doctor communications
- Paging capability between Doctors and hospitals(update physician activities)
- Twitter use between hospital/patients
- Device feedback between patient and physician (monitor device tweets data)

To view in larger format >>>

Monday, February 9, 2009

MSN's Top Ten Websites to Watch in 2009 - condensed version

Just for the sake of streamlining the descriptions of these top ten sites to watch for breakout in 2009, the following are on MSN's predictions list as the ones to make the biggest waves. The include:, Although there's the mention that they just don't match Hulu for viewership quality. Great representation of libraried material from CBS & Others., A live video feed service for mobile.

http://www.Boxee.TV, A nifty store and organize app for collecting video content from all over the web., Blackberry Application Storefront, Blackberry will continue to provide innovation mobile technology., Loopt is touted as a mobile device compass, allowing to detect location of the user., Described as a twitter for music. Collected comments, reviews off feedback about any artists., An engine that allows you to pack most of the social network apps into one handy tool for content organization., An application that allows you to use almost search engine type ability of tracking tweet discussions and managing/finding content., A facebook like app with worldwide users to the tune of 60 million. Music and video rivals many others out there growing in US., all full service travel assistant application---to assist with all aspects of travel, arrangements, and itineraries.

Full article link at:>1=40000

Friday, February 6, 2009

You Tube Video that makes a statement...

I probably won't get into this too much... People don't like to mix politics, religion, and business... But I just saw a most moving piece on YouTube, viewed by over 9,000,000 so far. Probably, one of the neatest things I've seen posted. Would enjoy your thoughts.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tweetag - Browse the twittosphere

Tweetag - Browse the twittosphere

Posted using ShareThis

Posted on Microsoft 10 sites to watch for 2009 article posted as of 2/1/2009.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Google 411, Look out again yellow pages!!!

Google 411 Business Directory Services has a new service to connect establishments to a searching public... Gearing for the hand held device... you betcha.

How Twitter Was Born

How Twitter Was Born

Posted using ShareThis

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Learn More About Twitter...

Have you discovered Twitter yet...

Twitter, like LI, and the ever popular FaceBook, is a web app/social networking tool that is attaining a growing user base. It works differently than the others, but allows the powerful abilities to send communications out on a much regular, broader scale leading to a greater effectiveness and additional tool to compliment your web strategy. The following YouTube tutorial will bring you up to speed on it's benefits.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Interview with LinkedIn CEO on the Vision of LI --- 1 Million New Users Per Month...

Video Offline 2-4-09

The more I get into the novelty of LI and it's awesome ability to connect you with the outside world, people you don't know, and new bold, global horizons... The more time, energy, and resources I find myself spending on it.

The following is an interview with Linked In founder and CEO, Dan Nye. He claims that over 17 million are Linked In. with 1/2 of his user base in North America, and another 50% abroad. Those are lofty numbers. Personally, I have found the kind of information available on people and their companies to rival what you can find available from the Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Register, Hoovers, and many other agencies.

I've been using the product for a little less then 30 days, and my tertiary network is already in the 1,750,000 range which is rather mind boggling. There's an amazing scramble going on out there and at this posting, there's more info-generators being born every week. Tapping into these transmitters, and directing and harnessing the data will be a moving target and valuable service to anyone telling, selling, and communicating faster than ever before.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Every website should have some video...

I recently read in John Maxwell's book, "Developing the Leader Within You," that with vision, what you see is what you get. He points out that a Standford University Study reveals that 89 percent of what people learn is visual... 10 percent of what is learned is auditory... and the rest comes through our additional senses. What's not specified is whether the visual includes reading as well as seeing. I might contend that even if reading is included, the amount learned by what we observe is still a rather high percentage.

I have been trying to come to a place of greater open-mindedness when it comes to the amount of written word versus visuals in constructing web content. Traditionally I would say that more content is better. Conventionally, the more examples, you'd think the more chance of striking a nerve when prospecting. But with video, you can ping a lot of senses at once, providing different means to engage the viewer besides just wordsmithing.

With the incredible amount of resources that Google spent to acquire the king of web video, Youtube, I have no reservations in saying,(along with them), that video is the future of the web. The sooner that business-to-business operators embrace that as fact, the farther ahead of the guy next door their businesses will be.


Keeping up with all the various technologies

People ask me how the business has changed in 25 years? I usually like to tell them that I find out each day how much I don't know. There's now so much out there, and frankly has been for years, that you can spend all day trying to keep up. A lot of it is very distracting, but it is truly amazing how much you can do with an account, username, and password.

I would like to share a few of my personal favorites... I have found that, is probably the most invaluable discovery that I've made in the past 10 years in the business. Check it out today and see if you don't agree that it's like going to college for $25/month.

Also, I finally discovered linkedin and facebook after watching my kids using it for years. The connections and information that you can make in just a few days is a modern day marvel.

I'd love to hear what you think, and what some of your favorite tools are.